The Spirits of the Romani Gypsy Greater Ancestors travel with us through the year, and they therefore accompany us through the course programme year here in Pembrokeshire. Any time you are on a programme with me, we will include the spirit who is closest to the seasonal cycle we are working in, as He or She will help us make the changes we may be looking for. Ancient Romanies believe that the four Greater Ancestors help to bring us balance within our relationship with the natural world. They can be seen as gods or goddesses and each relates to different natural-world spirits. More details regarding the meaning and workings of Ravnos (Grandfather Sky), Kam (Father Sun), Shon (Mother Moon) and Puv (Grandmother Earth) can be found in all my books click here.

Ravnos - Grandfather Sky

Ravnos is influential over the winter period and here in the UK he helps us to meet a death and to let go so that we may renew when spring comes.

His time runs approximately from December-January.

Kam, Father Sun

Kam is influential over the summer period and here in the UK he helps us to meet the blossoming and maturity of projects we may be working on.

His time runs approximately from June-August.


Shon, Mother Moon

Shon is influential over the autumn period and here in the UK she helps us meet a letting go of what we don't need in our lives, so that we can allow the unnecessary or what has become superfluous to pass safely away.

Her time runs approximately from September-November.


Puv, Grandmother Earth

Puv is influential over the spring period and here in the UK she helps us meet a renewal of what we may need in our lives, allowing all that is new to grow within and around us.

Her time runs approximately from March-May.