Showing Tag: "romani gypsy seven luck" (Show all posts)

THE ROMANI NUMBERS SERIES for Kamesko Bersh period

Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, December 4, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

The Number Seven encompasses everything if we are talking about luck: from saying something seven times to peg-making!

'... The presence of the number seven is also significant, seven being the magical number often associated with clever lies or tricks which can aid in bringing luck, as in the Bari Hukni, when the gypsies professed to be wandering Europe as Christian penitents for seven years! As mentioned before, the number seven would be more important than the fact that the storyteller is c...
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Patrick Jasper Lee Here I am often on the telephone connecting this world to the otherworld. Here are my observations, reflections & dreams about the way it all is.

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